Homeless Prevention & Shelter

These are Homeless Prevention & Shelter Ministries to keep families housed, prevent family homelessness, provide homeless temporary shelter, and remove causes of homelessness.

Preventing Family Homelessness

Always Home – Preventing Family Homelessness.
Effective March 17, 2020, “Always Home’s offices are closed until further notice. Yet we remain dedicated to Preventing Family Homelessness. Employees have been provided with the resources required to work from home. Families in need will continue to receive excellent care and support. However, in lieu of meeting client families, we will  provide case management services over the phone.” … Homeless or in crisis? Call 2-1-1

Always Home’s goal is to keep families housed and to help parents create lasting stability for their children. We focus exclusively on serving families with minor children, and strive to keep families in their own housing and out of emergency shelter so that children never have to experience the trauma of being homeless.  …view this video

Homeless Prevention and Shelter

Homeless Hospitality Center

New London Homeless Hospitality Center provides shelter and removes causes of homelessness. See 2-minute video below. Homeless or in crisis? Call 2-1-1

Services for illness in addition to shelter

New London Homeless Hospitality Center has a private 10-bed respite area, within the shelter, for residents in recovery from an illness, sponsored by Lawrence and Memorial Hospital. 

For people who need a place to self isolate with possible coronavirus infection, the Center opened up another site with 15 beds on March 30, 2020. This will accommodate transfers from the shelter and discharges from L&M Hospital. The site was created with support from the City of New London and Mayor Michael Passero.